
September 19, 2023

Amazon makes first investment in DAC technology

Amazon announced that it will help fund the direct air capture technology by purchasing 250,000 tons of carbon removal over the next decade.
September 08, 2023

Singapore’s startup launches new carbon trading app, aim for Asia market

Singapore’s WealthGreen has launched its new app to disrupt sustainable investing and give retail investors access to the carbon credit market. The business was exemplified by Singapore’s Climate Impact X.
September 01, 2023

New Asia-based carbon credit certification launched in Singapore

Asia Carbon Institute, a carbon credit certification, was established in Singapore. The non-profit has formulated a voluntary carbon credit standard and will adopt strict validation processes to determine each carbon credit represents a reduction in carbo
August 25, 2023

Indonesia issues regulations for operation of its first carbon exchange

Indonesia's Financial Services Authority (OJK) has released a series of rules for the establishment of a carbon exchange, with the goal of launching an onshore carbon trading market by the year-end.
August 15, 2023

The huge potential and viability of carbon credit trading in ASEAN

ASEAN holds vast potential for generating carbon credits, given the region’s rich biodiversity and renewable energy sources. Climate experts suggest that member countries should collectively commit to a timeline for implementing regionwide carbon trading.
July 31, 2023

Supply shortages, poor data quality are main barriers for China’s carbon market

Poor quality data and supply shortages remain key hurdles for China’s national carbon ETS. The world’s largest carbon market has seen lower-than-expected trading volume and weak carbon prices in the past year.
July 27, 2023

Vietnam considers domestic carbon trading market to promote green transaction

The potential for a carbon market in Vietnam is huge. The growing need for efficient exchange and purchase mechanisms has sparked active discussions on establishing a domestic carbon credit exchange.
July 24, 2023

Activists urge Indonesia to push for fairer carbon market

Climate activists urge Indonesia to ensure that the global carbon market does not undermine genuine greenhouse gas emission reduction efforts ahead of the COP28 in Dubai.
July 12, 2023

Malaysia’s national carbon policy expected to be enacted this year

Malaysia ‘s National Carbon Policy, which aims to provide guidance on carbon trading at the state level, is expected to be ready for carry out this year.
June 26, 2023

Indonesia carbon exchange set to launch in September

Indonesia projects to initiate its carbon exchange in September, with power generation companies the first to trade on it.

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