


February 21, 2023

Oil-rich Guyana eyes carbon offset as lucrative revenue stream

Guyana, which has pioneered offshore oil exploration, is leveraging its inland forests to access carbon markets, a business that the government sees as more profitable than mining or agriculture, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo said.
January 04, 2023

Germany earns record 13 billion euros from carbon pricing

Europe’s carbon market and national scheme for heating and transport brought Germany a record 13.2 billion euros in 2022, the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) said on Tuesday.
December 26, 2022

China’s ETS trading volume crosses 10 billion yuan mark

China’s national emissions trading scheme (ETS), the world’s largest carbon market covering a seventh of emissions globally, hit 10 billion yuan (US$1.4 billion) in total transactions on Thursday.
December 16, 2022

New Zealand’s new carbon price settings lag behind climate body recommendations

The New Zealand government raised the country's 2023 Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) carbon allowance price and volume settings on December 15 to levels significantly below those advised by its national climate body.
November 28, 2022

Hong Kong’s new carbon marketplace completes 40 trades

The Hong Kong stock exchange has carried out the first batch of carbon credit trades on its new voluntary carbon market in the first four weeks since launch, joining a handful of Asian exchanges in tapping opportunities resulting from governments’ push to
November 16, 2022

Australian carbon trading volumes jump 50% as corporates place bets ahead of review

Australia’s carbon trading market has been booming over the past week with traded volumes leaping more than 50%, as big corporates race to secure offsets ahead of Labor’s pending industrial emissions reforms.
October 31, 2022

Japan should raise minimum carbon price to $30/tonCO2 to accelerate renewables deployment

According to a new report from Carbon Tracker, ‘Put a Price on It,’ Japan must replace the current carbon price of $2.6/tonCO2 with a minimum price of at least $30/tonCO2 to prevent gas to coal switching and accelerate energy transition.
October 21, 2022

Washington state will earn more revenue from carbon auctions than predicted

Washington state’s estimated revenue from a new carbon credit system for the first five years has increased by $1.6bn, because of rising credit values and plans to auction a portion of future allowances.
August 11, 2022

Australian climate advisers recommend establishment of national carbon market

Australia’s Climate Change Authority recently suggested Australia establish a transparent national carbon market and hint at integrating voluntary and compliance carbon markets.
July 29, 2022

Canadian city of New Westminster earns $26 million from selling low-carbon credits

The City of New Westminster in western Canada recently received 26.4 million Canadian dollar ($20.6 million) after selling the credits it had earned under the BC Low Carbon Fuel Standard (BCLFS).

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