
Malaysia’s parliament powered by solar energy in 2024


Malaysia’s parliament is expected to include the use of solar energy in its operation by June next year as part of its sustainability efforts.

Dewan Rakyat Speaker Johari Abdul said the plan is in line with the government goal of zero net emission by 2050 with the Public Works Department now finishing up the tendering process for the project.

Malaysia Parliament House in Kuala Lumpur. (Photo: Parliament of Malaysia)

"We are probably the first Parliament House in the world run by renewable energy by next year... so no more carbon, nothing! As you walk in you will inhale fresh air, good oxygen,” Johari said during the speech at Sustainable Finance Symposium GoESG 2023 on November 24.

He hoped this would encourage other government departments and agencies to participate in efforts to use renewable energy as it is cheaper and environmentally friendly.

Johari also said he believes that policymakers are steadfast in their commitment to sustainable development and green financing initiatives. "These efforts are crucial in ensuring that no part of our society is left behind as we transition to a more sustainable future."

"Although we are making positive strides on this front, the journey ahead requires more than just commitment, it demands action and partnership across all sectors,” he said.

When it comes to regional front, Johari said addressing the pressing need for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Southeast Asia is paramount.

To level the playing field, ASEAN economies must continue to drive economic transformation towards becoming low-carbon and climate-resilient to foster prosperity, he said.

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