
Vietnam experiments on carbon capture and storage


Vietnam Petroleum Institute (VPI) and Smart Geophysics Solutions JSC (SGS) on June 26 jointly organized the "Test and Simulation of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)" international scientific conference.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), CCUS refers to the capture of carbon from fossil fuel power generation, biomass power generation and other resources, or directly from the air. If not used immediately, the carbon will be compressed and transported by pipeline, ship, rail or truck for various applications, or injected into deep geological formations for permanent storage.

The conference focused on the needs, status, potential and solutions for CCUS projects in Vietnam; carbon sequestration models; the application of numerical models, simulation dynamics to assess the reliability of underground carbon and hydrogen storage capabilities; the role of geology in underground CCS projects in risk assessment.

Participants also shared the latest technologies and challenges of CCUS projects, evaluated the necessity and benefits of CCUS networks, explored the testing and modeling of CCUS processes, and proposed to conduct joint research with experts from Australia, Canada, Thailand and Vietnam.

According to Pham Huy Giao, director of SGS, the application of CCUS to achieve the goal of net zero is still in its infancy, especially in developing countries such as Vietnam.

Vietnam is committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 and recognizes the importance of CCUS in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

VPI's recent study shows that Vietnam has the opportunity to develop a complete CCUS chain due to its potential carbon strage sites.

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