
Global wind power capacity hits 1 TW after 40 years


After a 40-year effort, global installed wind power capacity reached 1 TW in June, but 2 TW will likely be realized in less than seven years.

The Global Wind Energy Council uses 40 years as the benchmark because in the 1970s, Danish engineers began to experiment with designs that now serve as the foundation of today’s global wind industry, the Electrek reported.

Because of the global wind industry’s massive and rapid growth, GWEC estimates that it will take less than seven years to reach 2 TW of global installed wind power capacity.

In April, Electrek reported that Wood Mackenzie forecasts that global wind energy would surpass the 1 TW threshold for installed capacity by the end of 2023.

Yet GWEC marked the 1 TW milestone this week and the UN Climate Change Learning Partnership also made that announcement on Twitter.

Recently completed wind power projects in China, the US, Europe and Morocco pushed the capacity across the 1 TW threshold this month.

Wind power covers 5% of the global demand for electricity. The five biggest markets in terms of new wind capacity installed in 2022 were China, the United States, Brazil, Germany and Sweden, the Balkan Green Energy News reported.

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